Our Vision & Mission
Our Vision is to bring hope. To create a committed, loving community and a safe place where women can experience pampering, friendship and support. A place where women are given an opportunity to explore the effects of their experiences on their wellbeing. It is our desire to bring the love of Christ and ultimately healing to the many visible and invisible women in our local community whose lives have been adversely affected by trauma.
Our Mission is to provide a safe space in Edinburgh, where women affected in any way by homelessness and/or abuse will experience joy and feel valued as we have the opportunity to live out our biblical mandate to love and serve others well.
Find out more about what we do and how it has impacted our women in this short video.
Key Objectives
To be Christ Centered
To support women of all faiths, or none, motivated by our Christian faith.
To Pamper
To organise and host free pamper evenings providing for some of the basic needs of our women (Haircuts, clothing, toiletries and sanitary products)
To Empower
To offer the Freedom2Sparkle course for those who have survived the trauma of abuse.
To Support
To offer friendship, emotional support, and practical assistance to women in Edinburgh, fostering companionship and connection.
To Value
To combat social isolation, build a supportive community, and share the hopeful teachings of Jesus which emphasise the unique value and worth of all our women.
Meet Our Team
I have been involved in ministry with Derek for over 30 years and have 4 grown up children who have all flown the nest. I love to play padel, get lost in a good jigsaw, go back to my roots for my regular 'Highland fix' and relax with good friends over a glass of wine.
I have been involved with Sparkle Sisters since its inception in 2018 and it is the outworking of a long held desire to reach out to and meet the needs of vulnerable women in Edinburgh, a city I love very much. It has been a scary but overwhelmingly exciting journey to see God lead me and surprise me at every turn and open doors I didn't know were there to be opened. It’s such a privilege to be used by God in the lives of others and I look forward to seeing where He will take us on this journey.
I live the Fountainbridge, area in Edinburgh and have a background in nursing and serving in ministry. I’ve been a Christian, for about 25 years now and am thankful for God, helping and guiding me through my life, and especially the strength He gave me to work through my battles with abuse. In my spare time I like to walk, socialise, love clothes and a wee pamper.
I’ve been fortunate to be part of the work of Sparkle Sisters, for the past couple of years. I completed the Freedom2Sparkle course to help me work through my own personal struggles living with the effects of abuse.
Married to Colin and living in Danderhall on the outskirts of Edinburgh. I have 2 step children and 3 step grandchildren. I’ve been a Christian since I was 16 but have often found it difficult to consistently live the Christian life so I’ve known great love and great forgiveness from God, my Father. He will never let go of my hand.
I’ve been involved with sparkle sisters for about a year now and love the way it’s developing. It has so much potential.
Proud to be a Highlander and STAGGIE supporter! I was born in Invergordon, grew up in a Christian family so was surrounded by God and the church from the beginning. I was raised in a Christian home but just followed through the motions of doing 'Christian things '. I knew about Him but I didn’t know Him. From growing up in a Christian home, less than twenty years ago the penny dropped and I knew what I had to do! I confessed and acknowledged that He sent Jesus to die for me so that I can have eternal life
I have been involved with Sparkle Sisters since we first started doing the Pampering Evenings about four years ago.
I live in Niddrie, Married to Ben who works as a youth leader at Niddrie Community Church. Edinburgh is home but I also love travelling and exploring new places. I love being outdoors, adventurous activities and spending lots of time with friends and family.
I have been a volunteer with Sparkle Sisters since the beginning in 2018 and have only recently come onto the staff team. I am very excited about joining this amazing team of women and I also can’t wait to see where God takes us on this journey.
I have been a Christian since I was a teenager and am very thankful to have been brought up in a loving Christian home, yet it wasn’t until my late twenties when I fully understood what it means to live for Christ and to be in relationship with the loving God who sent his Son to die for us so we may love and enjoy him forever.
Board of Trustees: